Wooden Wednesday

As a young boy growing up on a small Indiana farm, John Wooden’s family didn’t have a lot of money, but what they did have was the love and wisdom of his father, Joshua Wooden, to lead and guide him through his formative years. Upon his graduation from grammar school, John’s father gave him a two dollar bill and a 3×5 index card. On this card there were seven points on one side and a poem written by Reverend Henry Van Dyke on the other. The seven points  and the poem on this index card were the foundation John Wooden built his life upon.

Joshua Wooden’s Seven Point Creed:

1. Be true to yourself.
2. Make each day your masterpiece.
3. Help others.
4. Drink deeply from good books, including the Bible.
5. Make friendship a fine art.
6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
7. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

Four things a man must learn to do
If he would make his life more true:
To think without confusion clearly,
To love his fellow-man sincerely,
To act from honest motives purely,
To trust in God and Heaven securely.
Henry Van Dyke

I am declaring Wednesday to be Wooden Wednesday, so in keeping with that theme I will be expanding on one of these principles each week for the next seven weeks. I look forward to this  journey, and I hope that you will ride along with me.

I want to leave you with this brief YouTube video of Coach Wooden talking about his Dad’s Seven Point Creed at an awards ceremony. It’s only 6 minutes long, so grab a coke and watch.

Some Enthusiasm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

When my feet hit the floor in the mornings, I can’t wait for the day to start. I am the luckiest guy in the world, and I have the greatest job in the world. I get to wake up every morning to my awesome family, and then go to a job that allows me to make a difference everyday by molding the, minds of America’s youth.

People ask me all the time what is my secret and I simply tell them that it’s ENTHUSIASM!! Nothing more, nothing less. Enthusiasm is what gets me up every morning. Enthusiasm is what makes work as hard as I can in the classroom and on the basketball court. Enthusiasm is what enables me to have an endless supply of hugs and kisses every day for my son and daughter. Enthusiasm is the drug that keeps me healthy and high on life.

Enthusiasm is such an important thing that John Wooden made it one of the cornerstones of his Pyramid of Success (click link for a printable copy), along with industriousness. Wooden’s definition of enthusiasm was this:

[enthusiasm] brushes off upon those with whom you come in contact. You must truly love what you do .

I hope every day when people come in contact with me my enthusiasm comes out in such a way that maybe it does rub off on them, or at least brightens their day a little.

On the Dixie Basketball Camp website, Joe Dean, Jr. talks about enthusiasm :

“The unknown author describes enthusiasm this way. It is the inspiration that makes us “wake up and live”. It puts spring in our step, joy in our hearts, and a twinkle in our eyes. It transforms a person with potential into a producer. It is that intangible quality that makes us great, that pulls us out of the mediocre and commonplace and builds our self-esteem. It cries to the world, “I’ve got what it takes”. Enthusiasm is the keynote of life that inspires others and gives people the confidence that they can make a significant difference in the world.”

Are you ready to make a difference? Are you ready to be a producer? Are you ready to wake up and live? Are you ready for a life style change? If you are, then check out our website.

When my feet hit the floor, it’s go time, I hope after reading this the same can be said for you.