Jump on the Train

I get told all the time that I live in “Positive Town” too much. I can’t help it, I am a genuinely happy person. It’s just the way I am, and I’m not ashamed of it, nor do I try to hide it. A positive attitude will help you to make a change as quick as any weight loss plan or self-help video. So today I am going to give you few tips on how to jump on board the “Positive Train!”


Here are some ways to help you work on  a positive attitude in your life:

  • Reverse the way you think. Take the negative words out of your thoughts. It won’t come easily at first, but by practicing doing this in your mind, every day until it becomes a habit, not only will you think this way, you will actually believe it! (For example, “I’ll never get this finished by the end of the day!” could become, “I will probably get most of this finished by the end of the day.”)


  • Do some thing for YOURSELF!Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, pick back up a relaxing hobby that you might have given up, go for a walk without giving yourself a time limit. Simple things are what pleasure is built on.


  • Random Acts of Kindness. The simple act of helping others makes us feel good. Volunteer at church, at a senior center or at a homeless shelter. Anywhere there is a need for a show of love.


  • Find you some JESUS! Seriously, whether you are religious or not, find your spiritual side. Research has shown that those who have developed their spirituality through associating with other spiritual individuals or having cooperative beliefs, live longer, more satisfying lives. The secret is practising those beliefs, either through organized worship, or simple meditation (openness) in a quiet place.


  • Daily Prayer. Studies show that people who spend time in prayer or mediation are happier and more focused throughout the course of the day. Prayer has a way of centering and grounding us and helping us to gain focus as we begin our day.


  • As the Beatles and many other philosophers have expounded, “Let It Be, Let it Be”. Or if you’re a Christian, you could say “Let go, and Let God!”


  • Find something worth loving. The ability to love and be loved is a most basic human trait. The healing power of God’s love is one of nature’s most powerful medicines.


  • Laugh at yourself and find humour in the little. Laughter is a powerful mood elevator. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, you’d be surprised how good you will feel.

I hope after reading this you have decided to take the first step towards an attitude lifestyle change. Hopefully soon you’ll make up you mind to buy a ticket and join me on the train!